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Tuckey Farm Solar Project

The proposed Development comprises solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, that will provide up to 25 MW of power. 

Turkey Farm Solar Site Location

Above: Site location plan


ScottishPower Renewables (UK) Limited (“SPR”) acquired EEB24 Ltd (Tuckey Farm Solar PV) from Elgin Energy in January 2022 and is developing a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) scheme. This site occupies two discrete areas of land of approximately 42ha and 19ha, either side of East Claydon Road in Buckinghamshire and is located 10km to the southwest of Milton Keynes, near Winslow, England. The Site is within the administrative boundary of Buckinghamshire Council.

Development Description

The consented Solar Site would consist of solar panels arranged in rows, covering both sections of the site. It is expected that the panels would collectively have a capacity of approximately 25MW, enough low carbon electricity to power approximately 7,500 homes every year or power 9,500 electric cars.

View the site layout plan

Project History

A planning application was submitted by RPS on behalf of Elgin Energy in March 2019 and consented in April 2021 for a 30 year operational period. This has been since been extended to 40 years through an NMA. SPR has been progressing with all post-consent and pre-commencement activities.

Community Consultation

Early consultation is key to the way SPR develops projects, and throughout the development process SPR will strive to ensure local communities and stakeholders are given the opportunity to provide feedback and are kept informed of project progress.


The Project Team can be contacted directly by email.

Project Documents

Please click on the following link to the Buckinghamshire Council website to view the Tuckey Farm Solar PV Scheme planning documents (reference 19/00983/APP):

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